Johny Pipes
Even though people can be vastly separated by distance and culture, the communal nature of a pipe and good tobacco can bridge the gap. Meysam Jahani, a young pipe maker from Babol, Iran, is proof. Meysam used to work for a university, but a short period of unemployment had him looking for a part time job. He found pipe making, and fell in love with the craft so much, that now it is his full-time job.
Meysam has made pipes for several years now influenced largely by watching tutorial videos on YouTube, although Mesaym gives special credit to another fellow Iranian pipe maker, Aref Rahimi. While Meysam made an initial splash on social media, he has expanded his operation under the brand Johny Pipes. We are honored to be one of his first retailers in the United States.
While Meysam has made many kinds of pipes, his specialty is the calabash in both traditional and reverse configurations. Often paired with exotic woods, brass accents, or vibrant colors, these aren’t what you’d imagine seeing Sherlock Holmes smoking, but they are a well-made, artisanal pipes that will add a bit of whimsy to every collection.